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Журнал Science Fiction Studies (2001-2010)

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Содержание номеров журнала (2001-2010):

#ТомВыпускДатаАвтор(ы)Название статьиСтраница
    Karel CapekPreface to Bild Nemoc (edited by RMP)1
    Robert M. PhilmusMatters of Translation: Karel Capek and Paul Selver7
    Elizabeth SmallReligious Institutions in Spanish Science Fiction33
    Lorenzo DiTommasoGnosticism and Dualism in the Early Fiction of Philip K. Dick49
    Vernon Shetley and Alissa FergusonReflections in a Silver Eye: Lens and Mirror in Blade Runner66
    John FeketeScience Fiction as Adversarial Culture: Freedman's Critical Theory and Science Fiction77
    Arthur B. EvansHetzel and Verne: Dumas, della Riva, and Dehs's Correspondance de Jules Verne et de Pierre-Jules Hetzel97
    Carl FreedmanAdventures of the Dialectic: Delany's Shorter Views: Queer Thoughts & the Politics of the Paraliterary107
     Gwyneth Jones's Deconstructing the Starships: Science, Fiction and Reality (ICR)119
     Camille Bacon-Smith's Science Fiction Culture (Marleen Barr)124
     Kurt Lancaster's Warlocks and Warpdrive and Vivian Sobchack's Meta-Morphing (Donald F. Theall)125
     Elyce Rae Helford's Fantasy Girls: Gender in the New Universe of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television (Alcena Rogan)129
     Inez van der Spek's Alien Plots: Female Subjectivity and the Divine in the Light of James Tiptree 's «A Momentary Taste of Being» (Diana Pharaoh Francis)132
     James Gifford's Robert A. Heinlein: A Reader's Companion and Anthony R. Lewis's A Concordance to Cordwainer Smith (CM)134
     Paul J. Nahin's Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction (David Wittenberg)136
     Carla Freccero's Popular Culture: An Introduction (Gregory Beatty)138
     George Slusser et al.'s Transformations of Utopia (Marc Angenot)139
     Sheree R. Thomas's Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora (Isiah Lavender, III)140
     Judith Kerman and Don Riggs's Uncommonplaces: Poems of the Fantastic (Nancy Johnston)143
     Chris Gregory's Star Trek: Parallel Narratives (Andrew Gordon)144
     Terry A. Murray's Science Fiction Magazine Story Index, 1926-1995 (RL)145
     Books Received146
     Stanislaw Lem: A Moralist Who Doesn't Moralize (Peter Haffner)149
     Support for Extrapolation (Carl Freedman)154
     Dating the «Rise» of SF (Damon Knight) and Response (Gregory Benford)154
     Alternative World? (Paul M. Lloyd) and Response (Gregory Benford)154
     Dick in Italy (Umberto Rossi)155
     Calls for Papers and Special Issues157
     Freedman Honored (CM)159
     Correcting the «True Riddle of the Sphinx» (CM)159
     Notes on Contributors160
#84Volume 28Part 2July 2001 ARTICLES 
    Carol McGuirkThe Rediscovery of Cordwainer Smith161
    David GalefTiptree and the Problem of the Other: Postcolonialism versus Sociobiology201
    John JohnstonDistributed Information: Complexity Theory in the Novels of Neal Stephenson and Linda Nagata223
    Cyndy HendershotAnti-Communism and Ambivalence in Red Planet Mars, Invasion USA, and The Beast of Yucca Flats246
    Ian F. RobertsMaupertuis: Doppelganger of Doctor Moreau261
    Arthur B. EvansCharting Unknown Worlds: Lofficiers' French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction275
    Franz RottensteinerRecent German SF Criticism284
     Damien Broderick's Transrealist Fiction (David Samuelson)291
     Karen Sayer and John Moore's Science Fiction, Crtical Frontiers (Roger Luckhurst)293
     Leonard Wheat's Kubrick's 2001: A Triple Allegory (Carl Freedman)296
     Gwen Lee and Doris Elaine Sauter's The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick and Andrew Butler's Philip K. Dick (Alexander Irvine)299
     J. Randolph Cox's The Dime Novel Companion (Everett Bleiler)302
     Jean-Marc Gouanvic's Sociologie de la traduction (ABE)303
     Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska's Science Fiction Cinema (Mark Bould)304
     Mark Leeds and Peter Reed's Kurt Vonnegut (Peter Sands)305
     Shelley's Frankenstein e, d. Johanna Smith (Charles Nicol)307
     Marcello Simao Branco's Premio Nova de Ficcao Cientifica and Roberto de Sousa Causo's O Critico-Fa (Elizabeth Ginway)309
     Gregory Claeys's Restoration and Augustan British Utopias (Everett Bleiler)311
     James Gunn's The Science of Science-Fiction Writing (Richard Erlich)313
     Julius Schwartz's Man of Two Worlds (Joe Sanders)315
     Books Received316
     Bradbury, Heinlein, and Hobo Heaven-SF Intertextuality(CM)319
     And Yet It Moves: Still Another Response to John Fekete (Carl Freedman)321
     Cherry Picking: A Reply to a Hatchet Job (Marleen Barr)325
     On Identity Politics and Credentialing in SF Criticism (John Fekete)327
     And a Postscript (John Fekete)330
     Road to Consensus on Silverberg (Edgar Chapman) and a Response (RL)331
     Death of a Luminary (ABE)332
     Announcements, Calls for Papers, SF Websites, and Other News333
     Notes on Contributors336
#85Volume 28Part 3November 2001 ARTICLES 
    Nicholas RuddickTell Us All About Little Rosebery: Topicality and Temporality in H.G. Wells's The Time Machine337
    I.Q. HunterThe Far Side of Moon Zero Two355
    Peter G. StillmanDystopian Visions and Utopian Anticipations: Terry Bisson's Pirates of the Universe as Critical Dystopia365
    Elena Del RioThe Remaking of La Jetee's Time-Travel Narrative: Twelve Monkeys and the Rhetoric of Absolute Visibility383
    Sherryl VintDouble Identity: Interpellation in Gwyneth Jones's Aleutian Trilogy399
    Veronica HollingerTwo Feminist Cyber-Readers: Wolmark's Cybersexualities and Kirkup et al's The Gendered Cyborg426
    Rob LathamRecent Works of Reference: Bleiler's Science Fiction Writers, Barron's Fantasy and Horror, Sabella's Who Shaped Science Fiction? and Shepard's Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror436
     Roberts's Science Fiction and Butler's The Pocket Essential Cyberpunk (Carl Freedman)443
     Buckrich's George Turner: A Life (Edward James)447
     Barr's Genre Fission (Wendy Pearson)448
     Tiptree's Meet Me At Infinity (Diana Pharaoh Francis)451
     Ullery's The Tarzan Novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs (VH)453
     Roberts's The Prentice-Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy (JG)454
     Collings's Official Orson Scott Card Bibliography and Guide (Greg Beatty)456
     Elsaesser's Metropolis (Jay Telotte)457
     Winnington's The Life and Work of Mervyn Peake and Daniel's The Art of GORMENGHAST(J oe Sanders)460
     Hawkins's Art-Horror and the Horrific Avant-garde and Oakes's Science and Destabilization in the Modern American Gothic (Jay McRoy)462
     Books Received466
     SF Intertextuality: Lovecraft and Campbell (RL)468
     Listening to Anaphoria (Bruce Gehiere)470
     Critical Defamiliarization and Pedagogy (John Rieder)476
     Fekete's Non-Fictive Fictions (Christopher Kendrick)478
     On Defamiliarization and SF Criticism (John Fekete)481
     SFS Agenda? (Eds)486
     Corrections and Calls for Papers486
     Announcements and Other News488
     Notes on Contributors489
     Index for Volume 28490
#86Volume 29Part 1March 2002 ARTICLES 
    Arthur B. EvansGustave Le Rouge, Pioneer of Early French Science Fiction1
    Umberto RossiFrom Dick to Lethem: The Dickian Legacy, Postmodernism, and Avant-Pop in Jonathan Lethem's Amnesia Moon15
    Anthony EnnsMediality and Mourning in Stanislaw Lem's Solaris and His Master's Voice34
    Neal BukeavichAre We Adopting the Right Measures to Cope?: Ecocrisis in John Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar53
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.On the Grotesque in Science Fiction71
    Rob LathamA Tendentious Tendency in SF Criticism: Parrinder's Learning from Other Worlds, Moylan's Scraps of the Untainted Sky100
     Bickley's Hong Kong Invaded! A '97 Nightmare (Everett F. Bleiler)111
     Booker's American Science Fiction and the Roots of Postmodernism, 1946-1964 (Carl Freedman)112
     Broderick's Earth is But a Star: Excursions Through Science Fiction to the Far Future (Janeen Webb)116
     Hellekson's The Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith (CM)118
     Joshi's The Modern Weird Tale (Greg Beatty)121
     Lancaster's Interacting with BABYLON5 (Nicholas Birns)122
     Morawetz's Identity and the Art of Transformational Makeup (Allen Kupfer)124
     Reid's Ray Bradbury: A Critical Companion (Janice M. Bogstad)125
     Rochelle's The Rhetoric of Myth in the Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin (Charles Nicol)127
     Sandison and Dingley's Histories of the Future (ABE)128
     Simpson's A Completely and Utterly Unauthorized Guide to THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE (Michael-Anne Rubenstien)132
     Swirski's Poe, Lem, and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge (Scott Ash)133
     Wright's Comic Book Nation (Ray Mescallado)135
     Yanerella's Contemporary Science Fiction and the Ecological Imagination (Bob Mesle)138
     Gailor's Il genere della invasion story nella narrativa inglese (Salvatore Proietti)140
     Rispoli's Lafantascienza di Philip K. Dick (Salvatore Proietti)142
     Books Received144
     Coding Out the USA: Oshii's Avalon (ICR)146
     Wells's Numerology (Darko Suvin)148
     E-Files: A Discussion of The Lord of the Rings (A, B, )149
     Science Fiction in Greece (Domna Pastourmatzi)152
     Calls for Papers, Conferences, Awards, and other Announcements156
     Notes on Contributors159
#87Volume 29Part 2July 2002 ARTICLES 
    George Slusser and Daniele ChatelainConveying Unknown Worlds: Patterns of Communication in Science Fiction161
    Philippe MatherFigures of Estrangement in Science Fiction Film186
    Cornelius PartschPaul Scheerbart and the Art of Science Fiction202
    Richard SwopeScience Fiction Cinema and the Crime of Social-Spatial Reality221
    Patrick A. McCarthyA Mixed Bag: New Editions of H.G. Wells by Ruddick, Stover, and Bear247
    Carl FreedmanHail Mary: New Editions and Studies of Mary Shelley by MacDonald/Scherf, McWhir, Bennett/Curran, Eberle-Sinatra, and Williams253
    Tom MoylanUtopia, Postcolonialism, and Postmodernism: Pordzik's Quest for Postcolonl Utopia265
    Gary WestfahlA Civilized Frontier: Barretts' Star Trek272
     Arndt/Peter/Wunnenberg's Hyperorganismen (Anthony Enns)277
     Chion's Kubrick's Cinema Odyssey (Mark Bould)279
     Hall/Mallett's Pilgrims and Pioneers (Marleen S. Barr)282
     Fredrick/McBride's Women Among the Inklings (Elaine Good)285
     Haut's The Hidden Library of Tanith Lee (Lillian Marks Heldreth)287
     Hunt/Lenz's Alternative Worlds in Fantasy Fiction (Rebecca Fraser)289
     Fischer's Science Fiction FUm Directors, 1895-1998 (RL)290
     Slusser/Parrinder/Chatelain's H. G. Wells 's Perennial TIMEMACHINE (Nicholas Ruddick)291
     Smith/Higgins/Parker/Lightfoot's Science FYction and Organization (Marian Parish)293
     Sturgeon's A Saucer of Loneliness (Aaron Parrett)294
     New Editions of Verne, Doyle, Wells, and Burroughs (David Seed)296
     Grant's The Films of David Cronenberg and Beard's The Cinema of David Cronenberg (Suzie S.F. Young)298
     Books Received303
     On the British SF Boom (Mark Bould)307
     The Lord of the Rings (John Bishop)310
     Throwing the Book (Marleen S. Barr)312
     On The FRANKENSTEIN Notebooks (David Ketterer)314
     The Nation and Star Trek (CM)314
     SF and Old Babylon (CM)314
     Calls for Papers, Conferences, Online Sites, and other Announcements315
     Notes on Contributors317
#88Volume 29Part 3November 2002 Japanese Science Fiction 
    Christopher Bolton. Editorial IntroductionThe Borders of Japanese Science Fiction321
    Susan Napier, Tatsumi Takyuki, Kotani Mari, and Otobe JunkoAn Interview with Komatsu Sakyo323
    Abe KoboTwo Essays on Science Fiction340
    SHibano TakumiCollective Reason: A Proposal351
    Miri NakamuraHorror and Machines in Prewar Japan: The Mechanical Uncanny in Yumeno Kyusaku's Dogura magura364
    Thomas SchnellbacherHas the Empire Sunk Yet? — The Pacific in Japanese Science Fiction382
    Kotani MariSpace, Body, and Aliens in Japanese Women's Science Fiction397
    Susan J. NapierWhen the Machines Stop: Fantasy, Reality, and Terminal Identity in Neon Genesis Evangelion and Serial Experiments Lain418
    Sharalyn OrbaughSex and the Single Cyborg: Japanese Popular Culture Experiments in Subjectivity436
    Christopher BoltonThe Mecha's Blind Spot: Patlabor 2 and the Phenomenology of Anime453
    Tatsumi TakayukiEditorial Afterword. A Soft Time Machine: From Translation to Transfiguration475
    William 0. GardnerAttack of the Phallic Girls: Saito Tamaki's Sento bishojo no seishin bunseki (Fighting Beauties: A Psychoanalysis)485
    Carl SilvioAnime, Both Global and Local: Susan J. Napier's Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke489
     Clarke's Brtsh Future Fction, 1700-1914 (Paul Alkon)492
     Boon's New Essays on the Work of Kurt Vonnegut (Scott Ash)496
     McKenna's Utopia: A Pragmatist and Feminist Perspective (JG)499
     Hollinger/Gordon's Edging into the Future: Science Fction and Contemporary Cultural Transformation (N. Katherine Hayles)500
     Makinen's Feminist Popular Fiction (Nancy St. Clair)503
     Mead's Encyclopedia of Jack Vance (Tom Shippey)506
     Patterson/Thornton's Critical Perspectives on Robert A. Heinlein's STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND (CM)507
     Rottensteiner's The Best of Austrian Science Fiction (Stefan Ekman)509
     Sardar/Cubitt's Aliens R Us: The Other in SF (Mark Bould)511
     Shapiro's Atomic Bomb Cinema (Carl Freedman)516
     Weil/Wolfe's Harlan Ellison: The Edge of Forever (Michael Levy)520
     Westfahl/Slusser/Plummer's Unearthly Visions (Joe Sanders)524
     Books Received527
     Cordwainer Smith in Japan (Alan C. Elms)529
     Man the Traveler (Brian W. Aldiss)529
     The Golden Age is Now (Paul Kincaid, Mark Bould)530
     STAR TREK in American Studies (Lincoln Geraghty)532
     Reluctant Pilgrim? (David Ketterer)533
     Gibson SF Collection (Christine Mains)534
     Not (Yet) the Droids We're Looking For (CM)535
     Calls for Papers and other Announcements535
     Notes on Contributors5 538
     Index for Volume 29540
#89Volume 30Part 1March 2003 INTERVIEW 
    Fiona KelleghanWar of the World-Views: A Conversation with James Morrow1
    Aaron DziubinskyjThe Birth of Science Fiction in Spanish America21
    David SeedH.G. Wells and the Liberating Atom33
    Anindita BanerjeeElectricity: Science Fiction and Modernity in Early Twentieth-Century Russia49
    Graham MurphyPost/Humanity and the Interstitial: A Glorification of Possibility in Gibson's Bridge Sequence72
    Peter FittingNarrating Utopian Space: Wegner's Imaginary Communities91
    Joe SandersOh Yeah? Who Says So? Card's The Best Science Fiction of the Century, Hills's Fan Cultures, and Westfahl/Slusser's Science Fiction, Canonization, Marginalization and the Academy101
    Gary WestfahlThree Decades that Shook the World: Ashley's The Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines, Price's Memories of the Pulp Era, and Stover's Science Fiction from Wells to Heinlein109
     Baudrillard's The Vital Illusion, Kraus/Auer's Simulacrum America, and Smith's Fatal Theories for Postmodernity (David Banash)123
     Forsstrom's Possible Worlds: The Idea of Happiness in the Utopian Vision of Louis-Sebastien Mercier (ABE)130
     Jones's Psychedelic Decadence and Mayer's Artificial Africas (RL)132
     Kalat's The Strange Case of Dr. Mabuse and Glassy's The Biology of Science Fiction Cinema (David A. Kirby)134
     Latham's Consuming Youth: Vampires, Cyborgs, and the Culture of Consumption (RogerL uckhurst)136
     Lindskoog's Sleuthing C.S. Lewis and Honda's The Imaginative World of C.S. Lewis (Carl Freedman)141
     Pierson's Special Effects: Still in Search of Wonder (Allan C. Kupfer)143
     Sawyer/Seed's Speaking Science Fiction (Pawel Frelik)144
     Server's Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers (RL)147
     Vieth's Screening Science: Contexts, Texts, and Science in Fifties Science Fiction Film (Marian Parish)148
     Books Received150
     Japanese and Russian SF (Brian W. Aldiss)152
     Apologia pro Anthologia Sua (I.F. Clarke)152
     Reply to I.F. Clarke (Paul K. Alkon)154
     Non-Pilgrim? (Lyman Tower Sargent)155
     On the Errant «H» (CM)155
     Cultures of Technology (Roger Luckhurst)155
     SF as American Icon (Elisabeth Kraus)155
     New Australian Radio Program, Speculation (Lilitu Babalon)156
     SFRA Review Seeks Co-Editor (Mike Levy)156
     Letters from PMAL (CM)157
     Notes on Contributors158
#90Volume 30Part 2July 2003 SOCIAL SCIENCE FICTION 
    Neil Gerlach and Sheryl N. HamiltonIntroduction: A History of Social Science Fiction161
     Symposium on Social SF: Tom Moylan, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Carl Freedman, and Bill Bogard174
    Samuel Gerald CollinsSail On! Sail On!: Anthropology, Science Fiction, and the Enticing Future180
    Andrew MilnerUtopia and Science Fiction in Raymond Williams199
    J.P. TelotteDoing Science in Machine Age Horror: The Mummy's Case217
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Science Fiction and Empire231
    Diane NelsonA Social Science Fiction of Fevers, Delirium, and Discovery: The Calculta Chromosome, the Colonial Laboratory, and the Postcolonial New Human246
    Sheryl N. HamiltonTraces of the Future: Biotechnology, Science Fiction, and the Media267
    Veronica HollingerThe Girls Who Were Plugged In: Larbalestier's The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction283
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Lucid Dreams, or Flightless Birds on Rooftops? Historical Materialism's Symposium on Marxism and Fantasy288
     Cousin de Grainville's The Last Man (Brian W. Aldiss)305
     Flanagan/Booth's reload: Rethinking Women and Cyberculture (JG)307
     Grenville's Experiments in Cyborg Culture (Christopher Bolton)308
     Hayles's Writing Machines (John Scheckter)311
     Kaveney's Reading the Vampire Slayer and Wilcox/Lavery's What's at Stake in BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (Nicholas Birns)313
     Kitchin/Kneale's Geographies of Science Fiction (Andrew M. Butler)315
     Pettman's After the Orgy and Fernbach's Fantasies of Fetishism: From Decadence to the Post-Human (Simone Weil Davis)319
     Kolko/Nakamura/Rodman's Race in Cyberspace (Doris Witt)323
     Lucanio/Coville's Smokin' Rockets: The Romance of Technology in American Film, Radio and Television 1945-1962 (Richard D. Erlich)326
     Meyers's Narratives of the Female Gothic Experience (Nicola Nixon)329
     Ryan's Cyberspace Textuality: Computer Technology and Literary Theory (VH)331
     Sanz's Dinosaur Mythology and Popular Culture (Mark Bould)332
     Books Received335
     The Sociology of Science Fiction (Brian Stableford)338
     Ninsei Street, Chiba City, in Gibson's Neuromancer (Ian Lancashire)341
     Hong Kong 2003 (VH)346
     Special Issue of Rhizomes (Davin Heckman)347
     SFRA Award Winners (CM)347
     ICFA 2003 (JG)347
     In Memoriam: Jacques Chambon (Jean-Claude Dunyach)348
     Science Fiction Book Club's Top Ten (CM)348
     More's Utopia Donated to the Eaton Collection (CM)348
     Calls for Papers and Other Announcements349
     Notes on Contributors351
#91Volume 30Part 3November 2003 The British SF Boom 
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Editorial Introduction353
    Joan GordonReveling in Genre: An Interview with China Mieville355
    Andrew M. ButlerThirteen Ways of Looking at the British Boom374
    Mark BouldWhat Kind of Monster Are You?, Situating the Boom394
    Roger LuckhurstCultural Governance, New Labor, and the British SF Boom417
    Matt HillsCounterfictions in the Work of Kim Newman: Rewriting Gothic SF as «Alternate-Story Stories»436
    Joan GordonHybridity, Heterotopia, and Mateship in China Mie'ville's Perdido Street Station456
    Stephen BaxterBaby Boomers: Writers and their Origins477
    Mark Bould and Andrew M. Butler, eds.Voices on the Boom483
    Andrew M. ButlerTowards a Reading List of the British Boom492
    Aaron ParrettAlternative Worlds: Burroughs's Pellucidar, Hyne's The Lost Continent, and Wells's The War in the Air500
    Ruth BermanThe Wizardry of Oz: Rogers's L. Frank Baum, Hearn's The Annotated Wizard of Oz, Dighe's The Historian's Wizard of Oz, and Swartz's Oz Before the Rainbow504
     Brigg's The Span of Mainstream and Science Fiction (Neal Easterbrook)510
     Dick's The Man Who Japed, The Zap Gun, and Counter-Clock World (Aaron Parrett)513
     Hintz/Ostry's Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults (Farah Mendlesohn)514
     Mackay's The Yellow Wave (Russell Blackford)517
     Molina-Gavilan's Ciencia Ficci6n En Espafiol (Pedro Jorge Romero)520
     Rosenberg/Hixon/Scapple/White's Diana Wynne Jones (Maureen Kincaid Speller)523
     Secrest's The Fiction of Walter M. Miller, Jr. (David N. Samuelson)526
     Schakel's Imagination and the Arts in C. S. Lewis (Georgina Kennedy)529
     Smith's H. G. Wells on Film (Michael J. Anzelone)531
     Straub's Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists (JG)532
     Warner's Fantastic Metamorphoses, Other Worlds (Sandra Lindow)536
     Westfahl/Slusser/Leiby's Explorations of Time in Science Fiction and Fantasy (Joe Haldeman)540
     Books Received543
     SF Intertextuality: Bunyan, Baum, and Burroughs (CM)544
     Request for Sf Materials (Alexandre Ramos Mastrella)551
     Clarion Funding Cut at MSU (Michael Levy)552
     Mervyn Peake News (G. Peter Winnington)552
     Heinlein's First Novel Surfaces (CM552
     ICFA 2004 (Christine Mains)552
     Mythic Imagination News letter and Conference (John Adcox)553
     Call for Papers on Commonwealth SF (Andrew M. Butler)553
     Sunburst Award Shortlist (C)553
     Tomb of Gilgamesh Discovered? (Hal Hall)554
     Notes on Contributors554
     Index to Volume 30555
#92Volume 31Part 1March 2004 ARTICLES 
    William L. SvitavskyFrom Decadence to Racial Antagonism: M.P. Shiel at the Turn of the Century1
    Patrick A. McCarthyThe Genesis of Star Maker25
    Gary WestfahlTwelve Eighty-Seven: John Taine's Satisfactory Solution43
    Steffen HantkeRaumpatrouille: The Cold War, the «Citizen in Uniform,« and West German Television63
    Alan C. ElmsThe Psychologist Who Empathized with Rats: James Tiptree, Jr. as Alice B. Sheldon, PhD81
    Livia MonnetA-Life and the Uncanny in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within97
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Who Framed Science Fiction? Stockwell's The Poetics of Science Fiction122
    Everett BleilerA Book That Fails to Work Miracles: Stover's Edition of Wells's The Man Who Could Work Miracles127
    Javier A. MartinezTechnology and Theology (or Lack Thereof): Graham's Representations of the Post/Human132
     Brown/St. Clair's Declarations of Independence: Empowered Girls in Young Adult Literature, 1990-2001 (Joe Sutliff Sanders)138
     Burgess/Bartle's Reference Guide to SF, Fantasy, and Horror (Stefan Ekman)138
     De Paolo's Human Prehistory in Fiction (Edward James)141
     Featherstone's Exploration of Alien Mythology in America (Mark Bould)143
     Gunn's The Road to Science Fiction (Karen Hellekson)146
     Lederer's Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature and Glut's The Frankenstein Archive (JG)147
     O'Keefe's The Liberating Worlds of Fantasy Fiction (Nancy St. Clair)149
     Palmer's Philip K. Dick (Aaron Parrett)150
     Palumbo's The Fractal Aesthetic of Epic Science Fiction (Nicholas Birns)153
     Pastourmatzi's Biotechnological and Medical Themes in SF and Westfahl/Slusser's Disease and Medicine in SF and Fantasy (Graham Sleight)156
     Pinsky's Future Present: Ethics and/as Science Fiction (Regina Cross)161
     Wolfe's American Culture, the Discourse of Species, and Posthumanist Theory (Sherryl Vint)163
     Books Received167
     SF Intertextuality: Hebrew Runes among the Ruins in Miller's A Canticle For Leibowitz (Russell Hillier)169
     Wells on Film (John S. Partington)173
     British Comics and «The Boom» (John Newsinger)175
     Verne at the Library of Congress (Brian Taves)175
     New Publisher for FEMSPEC (Batya Weinbaum)175
     Conference on Fantastic Genres175
     Notes on Contributors176
#93Volume 31Part 2July 2004 INTERVIEW 
    Imre Szeman and Maria WhitemanAn Interview with Kim Stanley Robinson177
    J. Joseph MillerThe Greatest Good for Humanity: Isaac Asimov's Future History and Utilitarian Calculation Problems189
    Umberto RossiThe Game of the Rat: A.E. Van Vogt's 800-Word Rule and P.K. Dick's The Game-Players of Titan207
    Christopher PalmerMona Lisa Overdrive and the Prosthetic227
    Samuel Gerald CollinsScientifically Valid and Artistically True: Chad Oliver, Anthropology, and Anthropological SF243
    Russell BlackfordReading the Ruined Cities: Heuser's Cyberpunk at the Intersection of the Postmodern and Science Fiction264
    Carl FreedmanConnections of Late Capitalism: Shaviro's Connected, or What It Means to Live in the Network Society271
    Corey K. CreekmurSuperheroes and Science Fiction: Recent Works on Comics and Alan Moore283
     Attebery's Decoding Gender in Science Fiction (Sherryl Vint)291
     Butler/Mendlesohn's The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod (John Langan)294
     Fenton's Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan: A Biography and a new edition of Burroughs's The Eternal Savage (Nicholas Birns)298
     New editions of Burroughs's Under the Moons of Mars and Arnold's Gullivar of Mars (Allen C. Kupfer)301
     Bukatman's Matters of Gravity (Brooks Landon)302
     Gomel's Bloodscripts: Writing the Violent Subject (JG)306
     Markley/Higgs/Kendrick/Burgess's Red Planet (Randy Hayman)311
     Moores's Alisdair Gray (Gavin J. Grant)315
     New critical editions of Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (ed. Linehan), Stoker's Dracula/Le Fanu's Carmilla/Polidori's The Vampyre (ed. Williams), and Shelley's Frankenstein, Wells's The Island of Doctor Moreau (ed. Wilt) (Andrew M. Butler)319
     Teslenko's Feminist Utopian Novels of the 1970s (Angela Warfield)324
     Widdicombe/Preiser's Revisiting the Legacy of Edward Bellamy (Scott Ash)326
     Books Received328
     Advertising and Calculators in William Gibson's Pattern Recognition (Donald E. Morse)330
     Thoughts of a Shiel (and Bleiler) Fan (Ben P. Indick)332
     ICFA-25 (VH)333
     Calls for Papers and Corrigenda334
     Notes on Contributors335
#94Volume 31Part 3November 2004 Soviet Science Fiction: The Thaw and After 
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Science Fiction and the Thaw337
    Tatiana ChernyshovaScience Fiction and Myth Creation in our Age345
    Elana GomelGods Like Men: Soviet Science Fiction and the Utopian Self358
    Erik SimonThe Strugatskys in Political Context378
    Roman ArbitmanBack in the 1960s: Notes By a Man Who Wasn't There407
    Daniel KlugerFables of Desire415
    Boris Natanovich StrugatskyWorking for Tarkovsky418
    Tom MoylanReading Utopia, Reading Utopian Readers: Roemer's Utopian Audiences: How Readers Locate Nowhere421
    Aaron DziubinskyjScience Fiction in Latin America and Spain: Bell/Molina-Gavilan's Cosmos Latinos428
    Neil EasterbrookA New Addition to the Critical Toolbox: James/Mendlesohn's The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction434
    Veronica HollingerTechnoculture All the Way Down: Gray's Cyborg Citizen and Tofts/Jonson/Cavallero's Prefiguring Cyberculture444
     Burroughs's Lost on Venus (Michael Levy)452
     Delany's Aye, and Gomorrah (Russell Blackford)453
     Flammarion's Lumen (Farah Mendlesohn)455
     Freedman's The Incomplete Projects: Marxism, Modernity, and the Politics of Culture (RL)456
     Huftier's La Belgique: De Rosny ane a' Jacques Brel and Bozzetto/Huftier's Les Frontieres du fantastique (ABE)457
     Kharitonov/Shcherbak-Zhukov's Na ekrane-Chudo: Otechestvennaya kinofantastiaka i kinoskazka (Erik Simon)459
     McKee's The Science-fictional Religion of Philip K. Dick (Umberto Rossi)460
     Moffitt's Alien Images in Modern Mass Culture (Lincoln Geraghty)463
     Rzeszotnik's Ein zerebraler Schriftsteller und Philosoph namens Lem (Franz Rottensteiner)465
     Scholder/Cooper's The Selected Writings of Kathy Acker (Pawel Frelik)469
     Schwarz's Die Erfindung des Kosmos (Franz Rottensteiner)471
     Thomas's Dark Matter (Isiah Lavender II)473
     Tucker's A Sense of Wonder (Carl Freedman)476
     Verne's Journey Through the Impossible (ABE)479
     Weinstone's Avatar Bodies (Sherryl Vint)480
     Books Received484
     Fanzine Research: Some Sercon Musings (RL)487
     The Boom is Dead. Long Live the Boom. (Mark Bould)497
     Planet Conjunctions (Donald M. Hassler)497
     Calls for Papers and Recent Conferences497
     Notes on Contributors503
     Index for Volume 31505
#95Volume 32Part 1March 2005 A Jules Verne Centenary 
    Arthur B. EvansEditorial Introduction1
    Timothy UnwinJules Verne: Negotiating Change in the Nineteenth Century5
    Terry HarpoldVerne's Cartographies18
    William ButcherHidden Treasures: The Manuscripts of Twenty Thousand Leagues43
    George SlusserWhy They Kill Jules Verne: Science Fiction and Cartesian Culture61
    Arthur B. EvansJules Verne's English Translations80
    Arthur B. EvansA Bibliography of Jules Verne's English Translations105
    Teri J. HernandezTranslating Verne: An Extraordinary Journey142
    Jean-Michel MargotJules Verne, Playwright150
    Gregory BenfordVerne to Varley: Hard SF Evolves163
     Jules Verne Roundtable (with James Gunn, I.F. Clarke, Paul Alkon, Carl Freedman, Roger Bozzetto, Jean-Michel Margot, Franz Rottensteiner, Nicholas Ruddick, and Mark Bould)172
    Gregory FeeleyWhen World-views Collide: Bison Reprints of Philip Wylie's Gladiator and The Disappearance177
    David HartwellClute Speaking: John Clute's Scores183
    Graham J. MurphyKick the Darkness Till It Bleeds Daylight: Raffaella Baccolini and Tom Moylan's Dark Horizons188
    Graham SleightVisions of Delaware: Jutta Weldes's Exploring Links Between Science Fiction and World Politics196
     Bartter's The Utopian Fantastic (Elain Ostry)201
     Dixon's Spectacles of Destruction in American Cinema (Paul Williams)202
     Ginway's Brazilian Science Fiction (Jim Rambo)205
     Morton's Sourcebook on Sheley's FRANKENSTEIN(S haron Emmerichs)206
     Bison Reprint of E.E. «Doc» Smith's Skylark Three (Joe Sanders )208
     Turner/Andre-Driussi's The Fiction of John Crowley (Stefan Ekman)210
     Wright's Gene Wolfe, Artifice and the Reader (JG)212
     Wesleyan Reprint of S. Fowler Wright's Deluge (Paul Kincaid)213
     Books Received217
     Verne Centenary Events in Amiens and Nantes, France218
     New Jules Verne Adventures by Mike Ashley and Eric Brown218
     Verne Film Festival219
     Following in the Footsteps of Phileas Fogg219
     SF at the MLA 2004219
     SFRA and Eaton Conferences for 2005219
     Calls for Papers220
     Notes on Contributors222
#96Volume 32Part 2July 2005 ARTICLES 
    Elizabeth LeaneLocating the Thing: The Antarctic as Alien Space in John W. Campbell's «Who Goes There?»225
    Carl AbbottHomesteading on the Extraterrestrial Frontier240
    Andrew M. ButlerLSD, Lying Ink, and Lies, Inc265
    Sherryl VintBecoming Other: Animals, Kinship, and Butler's Clay's Ark281
    Paul WilliamsBeyond Mad Max III: Race, Empire, and Heroism on Post-Apocalyptic Terrain301
    Nicholas RuddickRecent Work on H.G. Wells: Danahay's edition of The War of the Worlds, Harris-Fain's of The Island of Dr. Moreau, and Renzi's Six Scientific Romances Adapted for Film316
    Mark BouldAnd then suddenly two came along at once: Redmond's Science Fiction Film Reader and Rickman's Science Fiction Film Reader323
    Andrew M. ButlerTune In, Jack In, Drop Out: Kapell/Doty's Jacking In to the Matrix Franchise and Booker's Science Fiction Television333
     Ashley/Lowndes's The Gernsback Days (Gary Westfahl)340
     Broderick's x ,y, z, t: dimensions of science fiction (Paul Kincaid)342
     Christensen's The Subverting Vision of Bulwer-Lytton (Everett F. Bleiler)346
     Grayson's Black Science Fiction Novelists (Anita Nicholson)346
     Gwenllian-Jones/Pearson's Cult Television (F. Brett Cox)349
     Joshi's The Evolution of the Weird Tale (John Langan)352
     Leroux/La Bossiere's Worlds of Wonder (Peter Halasz)355
     Lockhart's Latin American Science Fiction Writers (Aaron Dziubinskyj)357
     New translation of Robida's The Twentieth Century (Brian Aldiss)359
     New translation of Souvestre's The World As It Shall Be (Gary K. Wolfe)361
     Stein's The Byronic Hero (Nicholas Birns)365
     Stevens's The Nightmare and Other Tales (Everett F. Bleiler)367
     Hayward's Music, Sound, and Science Fiction Cinema (ICR)368
     Books Received374
     Fanzine Collection Moves to Iowa377
     Corrigendum to Jules Verne English Translation Bibliography377
     SFRA's Clareson, Pioneer, and Pilgrim Awards377
     New English-language SF Magazine in Germany378
     SF Hub Launched at Liverpool379
     Websites, Upcoming Conferences, and Calls for Papers380
     Notes on Contributors382
#97Volume 32Part 3November 2005 ARTICLES 
    Brian AtteberyAboriginality in Science Fiction385
    Susana S. MartinsRevising the Future in The Female Man405
    Dianne Newell and Victoria LamontRugged Domesticity: Frontier Mythology in Post-Armageddon Science Fiction by Women423
    Juan C. Toledano RedondoFrom Socialist Realism to Anarchist Capitalism: Cuban Cyberpunk442
    M. Elizabeth GinwayA Working Model for Analyzing Third World Science Fiction: The Case of Brazil467
    Joan GordonAd Astra Per Aspera: Kilgore's Astrofuturism: Science, Race, and Visions of Utopia in Space495
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.Escaping Star Trek: Shapiro's STAR TREK: Technologies of Disappearance503
     Badmington's Alien Chic: Posthumanism and the Other Within (VH)512
     DeForest's Storytelling in the Pulps, Comics, and Radio (Aaron Parrett)513
     A Reprint of Doyle's The Lost World (Randy Hayman)516
     A Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Delany's Stars in my Pocket like Grains of Sand (Mark Bould)518
     Gallardo C./Smith's Alien Woman: The Making of Lt. Ellen Ripley (VH)521
     A Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Gibson's Neuromancer (Joe Sanders)523
     Langford's The Complete Critical Assembly and Up Through an Empty House of Stars: Reviews and Essays 1980-2002 (Paul Kincaid)525
     Le Guin's The Wave in the Mind (Wendy Pearson)528
     A Reprint of Merritt's The Moon Pool (Arthur O. Lewis)530
     Robinson's Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes (Marian Parish)532
     A Reprint of Russ's The Two of Them and We Who Are About To (Farah Mendlesohn)535
     Sandner's Fantastic Literature: A Critical Reader (Carl Freedman)537
     A Reprint of Wells's The Croquet Player (Jason Gleckman)540
     Wagar's H. G. Wells, Partington's Selected Essays on Wells, and Hammond's THE TIME MACHINE: A Reference Guide (John Huntington)542
     Hantke's Horror Fim: Creating and Marketing Horror (Allen C. Kupfer)545
     Books Received546
     Embodied Settings in Frankenstein (David Ketterer)548
     Utopia/Dystopia Research Fellowships548
     World Science Fiction Convention 2005549
     SFRA 2005550
     Awards, Upcoming Conferences, Calls for Papers, and a Correction551
     Notes on Contributors555
     Index to Volume 32556
#98Volume 33Part 1March 2006 Technoculture and Science Fiction 
    Roger LuckhurstIntroduction1
    Roger LuckhurstBruno Latour's Scientifiction: Networks, Assemblages, and Tangled Objects4
    Robert HardingManuel Castells's Techocultural Epoch in The Information Age18
    Laura SalisburyMichel Serres: Science, Fiction, and the Shape of Relation30
    Gill PartingtonFriedrich Kittler's Aufschreibsystem53
    Anthony EnnsMedia, Drugs, and Schizophrenia in the Works of Philip K. Dick68
    Stacey AbbottFinal Frontiers: Computer-Generated Imagery and the Science Fiction Film89
    Kaye MitchellBodies That Matter: Science Fiction, Technoculture, and the Gendered Body109
    Mark Bould and Sherryl VintLearning from the Little Engines That Couldn't: Transported by Gernsback, Wells, and Latour129
    Neil EasterbrookA Huge Ellipsis: Slusser/Barricelli's The Challenge of Fantasy and Gunn/Candelaria's Speculations on Speculation149
    Nicholas BirnsBarsoom Bonanza: Burroughs's The Martian Tales Trilogy and Brady's The Burroughs Cyclopaedia156
    Brooks LandonA Cultural History of a Hybrid Genre: Luckhurst's Science Fiction161
     Ashley's Science-Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970 (RL)174
     Bassior's Space Patrol (Mark Bould)175
     Bellin's Fantasy Film and Social Alienation (Adam J. Frisch)177
     Wesleyan Reprint of Bulwer-Lytton's The Coming Race (Joe Sanders)180
     Haraway's The Haraway Reader( C. Jason Smith)182
     Johnson-Smith's American Science Fiction TV (Sherryl Vint)185
     Freedman's Conversations with Isaac Asimov, Aggelis's Conversations with Ray Bradbury, and Blaschke's Voices of Vision (Aaron Parrett)188
     Parrett's The Translunar Narrative in the Western Tradition (Andy Sawyer)192
     German SF Bibliographies by Bloch, Neumann, Spittel, Illmer, Sapr'a, and Munch (Franz Rottensteiner)195
     Wisconsin Reprint of Mordecai Roshwald's Level 7 (CM)199
     Books Received202
     Utopiales 2005204
     SF and Fantasy at the MLA204
     Third Edition of The SF Encyclopedia205
     East Carolina University Acquires Schlobin Collection205
     Calls for Papers and Upcoming Special Issues205
     Notes on Contributors207
#100Volume 33Part 3November 2006 ARTICLES 
     Editorial Introduction: The 100th Issue of SFS385
     Roundtable on SF Criticism (SFS Consultants)388
    Allen A. DebusReframing the Science in Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth405
    Michelle ReidUrban Space and Canadian Identity in Charles de Lint's Svaha421
    Paul KincaidA Mode of Head-On Collision: George Turner's Critical Relationship with Science Fiction438
     On William Gibson's Pattern Recognition 
    Veronica HollingerStories About the Future: From Patterns of Expectation to Pattern Recognition452
    Christopher PalmerPattern Recognition: «None of What We Do Here Is Ever Really Private»473
    Neil EaterbrookAlternate Presents: The Ambivalent Historicism of Pattern Recognition483
    Carol McGuirkSchooling the Monster: Seed's Companion to Science Fiction505
    Mark BouldBest Foot Forward: Sobchack's Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture512
    Neil EasteibrookMediating Intermediation: Hayles's My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts517
     Anders's Science Fiction in Literature and Film (Graham Sleight)523
     New reprint of Capek's The Absolute at Large (Robert M. Philmus)526
     New reprint of Cummings's The Girl in tke Golden Atom (Gary K. Wolfe)528
     Mills's Stuckness in the Fiction of Mervyn Peake (Joe Sanders)531
     Milner's Literature, Culture, and Soceity (Sherryl Vint)533
     Mohr's Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias (Michael Levy)536
     Nadis's Performing Science, Magic, and Religion in America (Holly Savage)540
     Partington's The Political Thought of H. G. Wells (Nicholas Ruddick)541
     Pendle's The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons (RL)543
     Philmus's Visions and Re-Visions (Brian Attebery)545
     Russell's Digging Holes in Popular Culture and Klossner's Prehistoric Humans in Film and Television (Samuel Gerald Collins)548
     Seed's Brainwashing: The Fictions of Mind Control (RL)551
     Smith's H.P. Lovecraft in Popular Culture and Colavito's H.P. Lovecraft and Extraterrestrial Pop Culture (Rebecca Janicker)553
     Yaszek's Technology and Subjectivity in Contemporary Narrative (Nicola Nixon)554
     Stanislaw Lem, 1921-2006 (ICR)564
     More on Anatomy of Wonder (Neil Barron)566
     Colliding Genres in White Plains (JG)567
     Calls for Papers568
     Volume Index570
     Notes on Contributors575
    Melesina TrenchLaura's Dream; or, The Moonlanders (1816)1
    Katharine KittredgeWingless Women Living Backward on the Moon: Melesina Trench's The Moonlanders19
    Christopher LockettDomesticity as Redemption in The Puppet Masters: Robert A. Heinlein's Model for Consensus42
    Lewis CallThis Wondrous Death: Erotic Power in the Science Fiction of James Tiptree, Jr.59
    Melissa Coileen StevensonTrying to Plug In: Posthuman Cyborgs and the Search for Connection87
    Neal EasterbrookRattling the Bars: Jameson's Archaeologies of the Future106
    Alan ElmsThe Woman We Didn't See: Phillips's The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon117
     Davis/Stillman's The New Utopian Politics of Ursula K. Le Guin 's THE DISPOSSESSED and Beaumont's Utopia Ltd. (Nicholas Birns)129
     Doughty's Folktales Retold (Sandra J. Lindow)132
     Frayling's The Scientist and the Cinema (Mark Bould)134
     Friedman's Electric Dreams: Computers in American Culture (Pawel Frelik)137
     Gelder's Popular Fiction (Justin St. Clair)139
     Ginn's Our Space, Our Place: Women in the Worlds of Science-Fiction Television (Ximena Gallardo C.)141
     Grau's Philosophers Explore the Matrix (D. Harlan Wilson)143
     A New Edition of H. Rider Haggard's She (Bryan D. Dietrich)145
     Kochar-Lindgren's TechoLogics (Andrew M. Butler)147
     Larbalestier's Feminist Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century (JG)149
     Sanders's The Sandman Papers (Bola C. King)152
     Books Received154
     Addendum to the Jules Verne/Fossil Man Controversy (Nicholas Ruddick)156
     The St. Eustace Legend and Hoban's Riddley Walker (Martin L. Warren)158
     New Data on a Pioneer (Richard Bleiler)163
     The Other Martin in Godwin's The Man in the Moone (John Clark)164
     Roundtable on SF Criticism (Everett Bleiler)169
     The Present World in Other Terms (David Ketterer)170
     On Hard SF (Donald M. Hassler)171
     Who Killed Science Fiction? (RL)171
     The Transmigration of Philip K. Dick (CM)172
     Conferences and Calls for Papers172
     Notes on Contributors174
#103Volume 34Part 3November 2007 On Latin American SF 
    Yolanda Molina-Gavilan, Andrea Bell, Miguel Angel Fernandez Delgado, M. Elizabeth Ginway, Luis Pestarini, and Juan Carlos Toledano RedondoA Chronology of Latin-American Science Fiction, 1775-2005369
    Rachel Haywood FerreiraThe First Wave: Latin American Science Fiction Discovers Its Roots432
    Aaron DziubinskyjEduardo Urzaiz's Eugenia: Eugenics, Gender, and Dystopian Society in Twenty Third-Century Mexico463
    J. Andrew BrownEdmundo Paz Soldan and his Precursors: Borges, Dick, and the SF Canon473
    Rob LathamJ.G. Ballard, SF Grand Master? Gasiorek's J.G. Ballard, Vale's J.G. Ballard: Conversations, and Vale/Ryan's J.G. Ballard: Quotes484
     Alkon's Winston Churchill's Imagination (Nicholas Ruddick)489
     Clute's A Short Lexicon of Horror (John Langan)492
     Frasca's L'Oscuro scrutare di Philip K. Dick (Umberto Rossi)495
     Hartwell/Cramer's The Space Opera Renaissance (Pawel Frelik)498
     Joshi's Icons of Horror and the Supernatural (Rebecca Janicker)499
     Nelson's The Secret Life of Puppets (William J. Burling)501
     Nuruddin/Rogan/Wallis's Socialism and Social Change in Science Fiction (John Rieder)505
     Prucher's The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction (Joe Sanders)509
     Resnick/Siclari's Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches (Graham Sleight)512
     Standish's Hollow Earth and Costes/Altairac's Les Terres creuses (Peter Fitting)514
     Vint's Bodies of Tomorrow (Brian Attebery)517
     Wilson's The Melancholy Android (Russell Blackford)520
     Books Received522
     Jean Baudrillard, 1929-2007 (ICR)525
     John Wyndham's Color-Schemed Future (David Ketterer)527
     Tom Reamy: Lost But Not Forgotten (Michael Hemmingson)529
     The Transmigration of PKD, Part 2 (CM)530
     New Way to Locate Authors' Archives (James Gunn)531
     Salon Interview with William Gibson (CM)531
     Tlon, Uqbar Galaxiki (VH)531
     Locus Heinlein Tributes (CM)531
     New Journals, Websites, and CFPs532
     Volume Index536
     Notes on Contributors541
#104Volume 35Part 1March 2008 ARTICLES 
    Everett F. BleilerJohann Valentin Andreae, Fantasist and Utopist1
    Andrew Milner and Robert SavagePulped Dreams: Utopia and American Pulp Science Fiction31
    J.P. TelotteAnimating Space: Disney, Science, and Empowerment48
    Jorge Martins RosaA Misreading Gone Too Far? Baudrillard Meets Philip K. Dick60
    Sean BraytonThe Post-White Imaginary in Alex Proyas's I, Robot72
    Susan VanderborgGendering «Otherspace»: The «Martian Ty/opography» of Johanna Drucker and Brad Freeman88
    David M. HigginsSF and American Wests: Turner's Cultural Tropes of the American West and Abbott's Science Fiction and the American West105
    Graham MurphyInfectious Negotiations of the Orient and Occident: Tatsumi's Full Metal Apache110
    Aaron ParrettVeins of Symbolism and Strata of Meaning: Kolker 's Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey116
    Nicholas RuddickAn Unsuitable Memorial: Stover's Edition of H.G. Wells's Things to Come121
     Fritzsche's SF Literature from East Germany (Franz Rottensteiner)127
     Melzer's Science Fiction and Feminist Thought (Jane Donawerth)129
     Miller's Alasdair Gray: The Fiction of Communion (Paul Kincaid)132
     Morse's Anatomy of Science Fiction (Lisa Yaszek)135
     Newitz's Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture (D. Harlan Wilson)139
     Oramus's Grave New World: The Decline of the West in the Fiction of J.G. Ballard (Umberto Rossi)141
     Levines' edition of Poe's Eureka (Takayuki Tatsumi)145
     Prezzavento's I mondi urbani e post-urbani di J. G. Ballard (Valentina Polcini)149
     Sharp's Racial Frontiers and Nuclear Apocalypse (Mark Bould)151
     Stableford's Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature and The A to Z of Science Fiction Literature (Edward James)154
     Kapell/Lawrence's Finding the Force of the Star Wars Franchise and Silvio/ Vinci's Culture, Identities and Technology in Star Wars (Adam Roberts)156
     Books Received160
     The SF Novels of Steve Katz and William T. Vollmann (Michael Hemmingson)161
     On Warren Miller: Correction (Mark Bould)166
     Errata (Umberto Rossi)166
     Nobel Prize Awarded to Doris Lessing (CM)166
     World Fantasy Award to Gary K. Wolfe (Eds.)166
     Off-Broadway H.G. Wells (CM)166
     Utopian Drawings in The New Yorker (CM)167
     Conferences and CFPs (CM)167
     Change of Venue for SFRA 2008 (CM)170
     Strung Out on SF: Blog 109 (CM)170
     Robot News from Around the World (CM, RL)171
     Notes on Contributors172
#105Volume 35Part 2July 2008 On Animals and Science Fiction 
    Sherryl VintThe Animals in That Country: Science Fiction and Animal Studies177
    Joan GordonGazing Across the Abyss: The Amborg Gaze in Sheri S. Tepper's Six Moon Dance189
    Cat YampellWhen Science Blurs the Boundaries: The Commodification of the Animal in Young Adult Science Fiction207
    Aline FerreiraPrimate Tales: Interspecies Pregnancy and Chimerical Beings223
    Rebecca BishopSeveral Exceptional Forms of Primates: Simian Cinema238
    Gavin MillerAnimals, Empathy, and Care in Naomi Mitchison's Memoirs of a Spacewoman251
    Graham J. MurphyConsidering Her Ways: In(ter)secting Matriarchal Utopias266
    Carol McGuirkScience Fiction's Renegade Becomings281
    John HuntingtonA snappy short story having some scientific fact as its theme: Ashley's Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970-1980 and Westfahl's Hugo Gernsback and the Century of SF308
    Sherryl VintEntangled Posthumanism: Barad's Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning313
     DeAngelis/Rossi's Transmigrazioni, I mondi di Philip K. Dick (Roger Bozzetto)320
     DeGraw's The Subject of Race in American SF (Isiah Lavender III)323
     Malzberg's Science Fiction in the Last Millennium (Michael Hemmingson)325
     Monk's Alien as Archetype in the SF Short Story (Patrick A. McCarthy)328
     Moylan and Baccolini's Utopia Method Vision and Milner/Ryan/Savage's Imagining the Future: Utopia and Dystopia (Patrick Parrinder)330
     Muzzioli's Scritture delta catastrofe (Umberto Rossi)333
     Ortiz's Emsh/willer: Infinity X Two (Joe Sanders)336
     Roberts's The History of Science Fiction (JG)339
     Szumskyj's Fritz Leiber: Critical Essays (RL)341
     Urbanski's Plagues, Apocalypses and Bug-Eyed Monsters: How Speculative Fiction Shows Us Our Nightmares (Darja Malcolm-Clarke)344
     Books Received347
     On Ursula K. Le Guin's Lavinia (Richard D. Erlich)349
     Wyndham's Chocky: The First Covert Alternate World? (David Ketterer)352
     Pariah Elite (RL)355
     Revisiting K.M. O'Donnell (Michael Hemmingson)356
     Corrigienda (Susan Vanderborg, Eds.)357
     2008 Pioneer Award (Adam Frisch, Eds.)357
     Heinlein Forum Reinstituted (RAH Centennial Committee)358
     Still Has a Mouth and Still Must Scream (CM)359
     Research Scholarship in Utopian Studies (Lorna Davidson)359
     New Journals, Special Issues, Associations, and CFPs359
     Notes on Contributors363
#108Volume 36Part 2July 2009 On Proto/Early Science Fiction 
     Roundtable Discussion193
    Josh BernatchezMonstrosity, Suffering, Subjectivity, and Sympathetic Community in Frankenstein and «The Structure of Torture»205
    Arthur B. EvansThe Verne School in France: Paul d'lvoi's Voyages Excentriques217
    Allison de FrenThe Anatomical Gaze in Tomorrow's Eve235
    Monique MorganMadness, Unreliable Narration, and Genre in The Purple Cloud266
    Everett F. BleilerJohn Leonard Riddell, Pioneer284
     Orrin Lindsay's Plan of Aerial Navigation, with a Narrative of his Explorations in the Higher Regions of the Atmosphere, and his Wonderful Voyage Round the Moon!300
    Arthur B. EvansThe Jules vs. Michel Verne Controversy: A New English Translation of The Golden Volcano321
    David KettererThe «Martianized» H.G. Wells?: Partington's H.G. Wells in Nature, 1893-1946 and A New Edition of Star Begotten327
    George SlusserDid Fellini Dream of Venusian Sheep?: A Reprint of The Great Romance by «The Inhabitant»333
    Rob LathamOur Jaded Tomorrows: Dregnis's Follies of Science, Guffey's Retro, Heckman's A Small World, Montandon's Jetpack Dreams, Vandermeer's Steampunk, and Wilson's Where's My Jetpack?339
     Balzac's The Centenarian (Nicholas Ruddick)350
     Bodin's The Novel of the Future (Paul K. Alkon)352
     Bulwer-Lytton's The Coming Race (Donald M. Hassler)355
     Connors's Criticism on Clark Ashton Smith (Greg Beatty)356
     Partington's H.G. Wells's Fin-de-Siècle (Paul Kincaid)358
     Carr's H. Beam Piper (Joe Sanders)361
     Battagliai E.T. Culture (Diane Nelson)363
     Conley/Cain's Encyclopedia of Fictional and Fantastic Languages (Samuel Gerald Collins)366
     Ferraro/Brugo's Comunque umani (Umberto Rossi)369
     Kincaid's What It Is We Do When We Read Science Fiction (Pawel Frelik)371
     Books Received373
     Public Domain and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Michael Hemmingson)375
     Things That Were to Come (Rob Latham)378
     Fondo Suvin (Darko Suvin)378
     SFRA Awards (Lisa Yaszek)379
     Mullen Research Fellowships (Rob Latham)379
     2009 SFS Symposium/Eaton Conference (Rob Latham)380
     Special Issues, Conferences, and Calls for Papers/Proposals381
     Notes on Contributors384
#109Volume 36Part 3November 2009 Science Fiction and Sexuality 
     Symposium on Sexuality in SF385
    Allison de FrenTechnofetishism and the Uncanny Desires of A.S.F.R (alt.sex.fetish.robots)404
    Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.SF/Porn: The Case for The Gas441
    Wendy Gay PearsonBorn to Be Bron: Destiny and Destinerrance in Samuel R. Delany's Trouble on Triton461
    Jes BattisDelany's Queer Markets: Nevèryon and the Texture of Capital478
    James CampbellKill the Bugger: Ender's Game and the Question of Heteronormativity490
    Sherryl VintViews from Queer: Pearson/Hollinger/Gordon's Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction508
    Roger LuckhurstThe Productive Convergence of SF Criticism and Critical Theory: Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.'s The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction513
    Samuel Gerald CollinsFiddling with Le Guin: Freedman's Conversations with Ursula K. Le Guin and Kelso's Ursula K. Le Guin522
     Ballard's Miracles of Life (Rob Latham)529
     Collins/Jervis's Uncanny Modernity (Veronica Hollinger)531
     Duchamp/Gunn's WisCon Chronicles, Vol. 2 (Jane Donawerth)533
     Holden/King's Conceptual Breakthrough: Star/Alien (Carl Freedman)534
     Nama's Imagining Race in Science Fiction Film (De Witt Douglas Kilgore)536
     Stableford's Science Fact and Science Fiction (Joan Gordon)539
     Muir's A Critical History of Doctor Who on Television and Schuster/Powers's The Discerning Fan's Guide to Doctor Who (David Higgins)542
     Roshwald's Science and Technology in Myth and Fiction (Jeff Hicks)545
     Sapegno/Salvini's Sulla fantascienza femminista (Valentina Polcini)546
     Spiegel's Die Konstitution des Wunderbaren (Franz Rottensteiner)548
     Westfahl's Science Fiction Quotations (Neil Easterbrook)551
     Books Received553
     Bisexuality in New Wave SF (Rob Latham)555
     Vintage Sleaze and SF (Michael Hemmingson)562
     Sultry Sluts from Outer Space (Earl Kemp)568
     Sex and Star Trek (Michael Hemmingson)572
     Strange Leafy Sex (Michael Hemmingson)577
     Correspondence: On the Copernican Revolution (Paul Fayter)577
     Correspondence: Response (Adam Roberts)579
     Tribute to Robert A. Collins (Rob Latham)581
     SFRA 2009 (Arthur B. Evans)583
     UCR SF Position (Rob Latham)583
     Calls for Papers584
     Volume Index586
     Notes on Contributors592
#110Volume 37Part 1March 2010 The 2009 SFS Symposium: Histories of Science Fiction 
    Rob LathamIntroduction1
    Roger LuckhurstScience Fiction and Cultural History3
    De Witt Douglas KilgoreDifference Engine: Aliens, Robots, and Other Racial Matters in the History of Science Fiction16
    Veronica HollingerA History of the Future: Notes for an Archive23
    Laurel BollingerSymbiogenesis, Selfhood, and Science Fiction34
    Lisa SwanstromCapsules and Nodes and Ruptures and Flows: Circulating Subjectivity in Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash54
    Robert P. FletcherThe Hacker and the Hawker: Networked Identity in the Science Fiction and Blogging of Cory Doctorow81
    Umberto RossiA Curate's Egg: Baxter's J.G. Ballard's Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular Authorship100
     Adair's The American Epic Novel in the Late 20th Century (Paul Kincaid)105
     Barr' s Afro-Future Females (Ritch Calvin)107
     Bould/Butler/Roberts/Vint's The Routledge Companion to S F (David Seed)110
     Brock's Essays on Gothic and Victorian Sensation Fiction (Deborah Lutz)113
     Colavito's Anthology of Horror Criticism (Amy J. Ransom)115
     Deuber-Mankowsky's Lara Croft: Cyber Heroine (Sherryl Vint)117
     Geraghty's Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy Television (J.P. Tejotte)121
     Grebowicz's Reading Science Through Science Fiction (Jennifer Kavetsky)124
     Gunn/Barr/Candelaria's Reading Science Fiction (Wanda Raiford)126
     Higgins's Frankenstein: Character Studies (Elizabeth Corsun)128
     Kucukalic's Philip K. Dick (Jason Bourget)131
     Luckhurst's The Trauma Question (Tiffany Ana López)134
     Mendlesohn's Critical Study of Children's and Teens' SF (Kelly Meyer)136
     Telotte's The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader (Anthony Enns)138
     Westfahl/Slusser's Science Fiction and the Two Cultures (Russell Blackford)141
     Walters's Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema (D. Harlan Wilson)143
     Weese's Feminist Narrative and the Supernatural (Robin Anne Reid)145
     Books Received148
     E.T.A. Hoffmann and Philip K. Dick (Ian F. Roberts)150
     I.F. Clarke (1918-2009): Farewell to Captain Future (Paul Alkon)154
     Forthcoming SF Events at UC-Riverside (Rob Latham)154
     New Awards for SF&F Translation (Cheryl Morgan)157
     Announcing The Wesley an Anthology of Science Fiction (SFS editors)158
     Notes on Contributors159
#111Volume 37Part 2July 2010 SFS Showcase: Library Collections and Archives of SF and Related Materials (presented by Rob Latham)161
    John RiederOn Defining SF, or Not: Genre Theory, SF, and History191
    Morgan FritzMiniaturization and Cosmopolitan Future History in the Fiction of H.G. Wells210
    David SeedThe Course of Empire: A Survey of the Imperial Theme in Early Anglophone Science Fiction230
    William J. Fanning, Jr.The Historical Death Ray and Science Fiction in the 1920s and 1930s253
    Andrew StrombeckThe Network and the Archive: The Specter of Imperial Management in William Gibson's Neuromancer275
    Mark BouldFrom Panther to Princess, Sex Work to Starfleet: A Special Issue of African Identities on «The Black Imagination and Science Fiction»296
    Pawel FrelikClose Encounters: Vest's The Postmodern Humanism of Philip K. Dick303
     Booker's The Supernatural in American Culture (Kristin Noone)308
     Collins's Anthropological Engagements with the Future (Diane M. Nelson)310
     Fisch's Frankenstein (Amy J. Ransom)314
     Hall's Naomi Mitchison: A Profile of Her Life and Work (John Clute)316
     Lunning's Mechademia 3: Limits of the Human (D. Harlan Wilson)318
     Pordzik's Futur escapes: Space in Utopian and Science Fiction Discourse (Peter Fitting)320
     Ransom's Science Fiction from Quebec: A Postcolonial Study (Sophie Beaule)322
     Rottensteiner 's The Black Mirror and Other Stories: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Germany and Austria (Sonja Fritzsche)324
     Steiff/Tamplin's Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy and Eberl/Decker's Star Trek and Philosophy (Russell Blackford)328
     Walters's Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema (D. Harlan Wilson)331
     Winnington's The Working of Mervyn Peake's Imagination (Paul Kincaid)332
     Books Received336
     Homage to J.G. Ballard (Roger Luckhurst)338
     The Short Career of Calvin M. Knox (Michael Hemmingson)341
     2010-11 Mullen Fellows Announced (Rob Latham)341
     SFRA 2010 Awards (Lisa Yaszek)342
     Staging Dahlgren (Carol McGuirk)343
     Publishing Announcements and Calls for Papers343
     Notes on Contributors348
#112Volume 37Part 3November 2010 Special Section on Octavia E. Butler 
    De Witt Douglas Kilgore and Ranu SamantraiA Memorial to Octavia E. Butler353
    Benjamin J. RobertsonSome Matching Strangeness: Biology, Politics, and the Embrace of History in Octavia Butler's Kindred362
    Adam J. JohnsBecoming Medusa: Octavia Butler's Lilith's Brood and Sociobiology382
    Maria Aline FerreiraSymbiotic Bodies and Evolutionary Tropes in the Work of Octavia Butler401
    Marty M. FinkAIDS Vampires: Reimagining Illness in Octavia Butler's Fledgling416
     Reflections on Octavia E. Butler433
     The 2010 SFS Symposium: Animal Studies and SF 
    Rob LathamIntroduction443
    Sherryl VintAnimal Studies in the Era of Biopower444
    Joan GordonTalking (for, with) Dogs: Science Fiction Breaks a Species Barrier456
    Carol McGuirkThe Animal Downdeep: Cordwainer Smith's Late Tales of the Underpeople466
    Joanne MurrayAn Imaginary Museum: Ballard at the Gagosian478
    Sandra J. LindowLe Guin's Post-feminist Carrier Bag Make-Over: Clarke's Ursula K. Le Guin's Journey to Post-Feminism485
     Francis's Conversations with Octavia Butler (Jane Donawerth)491
     Applebaum's Representations of Technology in S F (Michael Levy)493
     Asma's On Monsters (D. Harlan Wilson)495
     Bould/Mieville 's Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction (Pawel Frelik)498
     Freedman's Conversations with Samuel R. Delany and the new Wesleyan UP edition of Delany's The Jewel-Hinged Jaw (Isiah Lavender III)502
     Link's Understanding Philip K. Dick (John Rieder)504
     Patterson's Robert A. Heinlein in Dialogue with His Century: The Authorized Biography: Vol. 1 (Carol McGuirk)505
     Ruddick's The Fire in the Stone: Prehistoric Fiction from Charles Darwin to Jean M. Auel (Donald M. Hassler)509
     Stableford's Gothic Grotesques, Jaunting on the Scoriae Tempests, and News of the Black Feast and other Random Reviews (Paul Kincaid)511
     Van Ness's Watchmen as Literature (Joe Sanders)514
     Walter's new Verne translations in Jules Verne's Amazing Journeys: Five Visionary Classics (Arthur B. Evans)515
     Warren's American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties (J.P. Telotte)519
     Wilson's Selfhood and the Body in Postcapitalist SF (Kelly Meyer)522
     McConnell's Collected Essays on SF Storytelling and the Gnostic Imagination (Richard D. Erlich)523
     Books Received526
     Remembering Walter James Miller and E.F. Bleiler (Arthur B. Evans)528
     SFRA 2010 (Kristin Noone)531
     Correction (William J. Fanning)533
     Publishing Announcements and Calls for Papers533
     Volume Index535
     Notes on Contributors540



Ссылка на сообщение24 июня 2018 г. 19:35
Вы какую-то фантастическую работу проделали ) Жаль, тут уже не все номера есть, начиная с 99-го. Но вообще вы монстр )))
свернуть ветку

Ссылка на сообщение24 июня 2018 г. 20:21
Оглавления можно и на JSTOR посмотреть:

У меня пока 7 номеров нет:
#99 Volume 33 Part 2 July 2006
#102 Volume 34 Part 2 July 2007 -- тематический номер об афрофутуризме (Нало Хопкинсон и пр.)
#106 Volume 35 Part 3 November 2008
#107 Volume 36 Part 1 March 2009
#132 Volume 44 Part 2 July 2017 -- не полностью
#133 Volume 44 Part 3 November 2017
#134 Volume 45 Part 1 March 2018 -- только одна статья

Как найду, то доделаю. Я с JSTOR оглавления не брал, проверял по журналам. Там иногда номера страниц в оглавлении неправильные.

#135 в следующем месяце только выйдет.

Ссылка на сообщение25 июня 2018 г. 01:23
Еще при скачивании в 1980-х, кажется, одно название файла дублируется — но размер разный (дальше я не проверял).

Ссылка на сообщение25 июня 2018 г. 07:00
В 1980-х всё правильно, а вот для «#55 Volume 18 Part 3 November 1991 SCIENCE FICTION AND POSTMODERNISM» файл был 19.3 вместо 18.3.

Исправил, спасибо.

Ссылка на сообщение26 июня 2018 г. 18:14
Ага, ну вот. Спасибо!

Ссылка на сообщение1 августа 2018 г. 19:31
Потрясающая работа, спасибо! (Я не тормоз, я из-за поездок только сумел докачать весь архив до конца :) ).

Скажите, а можно ли попросить добавить файл-таблицу с содержанием? Чтобы не копировать из всех постов... А такой каталог был бы очень полезен для работы с архивом -- и подозреваю, раз вы расписывали содержание в постах, он должен уже существовать. (Если нет -- тогда буду копировать из постов).
свернуть ветку

Ссылка на сообщение2 августа 2018 г. 01:05

цитата Vladimir Puziy

Скажите, а можно ли попросить добавить файл-таблицу с содержанием?

Вот полное содержание:


цитата Vladimir Puziy

А такой каталог был бы очень полезен для работы с архивом

Тут ещё полезно сделать в Adobe Acrobat общий индексный файл для всех файлов. Для быстрого поиска по тексту. Весь текст распознан, и в файлах сделан текстовый слой, поэтому с индексным файлом можно будет очень быстро (за несколько секунд) найти все статьи с данным текстом сразу по всем номерам. Например, все упоминания Станислава Лема или Урсулы Ле Гуин. Обычный поиск будет искать несколько минут.

В отдельных файлах такой индекс уже сделан. Расширенный поиск в Adobe Acrobat запускается из меню Редактирование/Расширенный поиск или клавишами Shift+Ctrl+F (обычный поиск — по Ctrl+F).

Ссылка на сообщение3 августа 2018 г. 14:08

цитата ziza

Тут ещё полезно сделать в Adobe Acrobat общий индексный файл для всех файлов. Для быстрого поиска по тексту. Весь текст распознан, и в файлах сделан текстовый слой, поэтому с индексным файлом можно будет очень быстро (за несколько секунд) найти все статьи с данным текстом сразу по всем номерам.

К сожалению, для меня всё это очень сложные материи -- то есть понимаю, каков может быть результат, но вот эти все штуки про «текстовый слой» -- это пока выше моего понимания...

цитата ziza

Вот полное содержание:

И ещё раз: огромное спасибо!

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