The Magazine of Fantasy and ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1974»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1974

Язык издания: английский

1974 г. (ноябрь)

Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by Mazey and Schell.


  1. Stephen Tall. Mushroom World (novella), р. 5-49
  2. Avram Davidson. Books (review), р. 50-54
  3. John Sladek. Space Shoes of the Gods (short story), р. 55-59
  4. Brian W. Aldiss. Three Songs for Enigmatic Lovers (short story), р. 60-71
  5. Alan Brennert. A Winter Memory (novelet), р. 72-89
  6. Joe Haldeman. To Howard Hughes: A Modest Proposal (short story), р. 90-105
  7. Baird Searles. Films: Flesh Gordon (essay), р. 105-109
  8. Larry Eisenberg. The Look Alike Revolution (short story), р. 110-115
  9. J. Michael Reaves. The Century Feeling (short story), р. 116-130
  10. Isaac Asimov. Skewered! (essay), р. 131-141
  11. Barry N. Malzberg, Harry Harrison. The Whatever-I-Type-is-True Machine (short story), р. 142-149
  12. Robert F. Young. Hex Factor (short story), р. 150-159


На обложке журнала иллюстрация к повести С. Толла.

Формат 127 х 193 мм.

⇑ Наверх