The Magazine of Fantasy and ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1976»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1976

Язык издания: английский

1976 г. (январь)

Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by David A. Hardy.


  1. Joanna Russ. My Boat (short story), р. 6-21
  2. Algis Budrys. Books (review), р. 22-28
  3. Isaac Asimov. Friday the Thirteenth (short story), р. 30-44
  4. Stuart Dybek. Horror Movie (short story), р. 45-60
  5. Baird Searles. Films: An Edgar Rice Pudding (review), р. 61-62
  6. Michael G. Coney. Those Good Old Days of Liquid Fuel (short story), р. 63-82
  7. Kit Reed. The Attack of the Giant Baby (short story), р. 83-89
  8. Isaac Asimov. Silent Victory (essay), р. 90-100
  9. Gary K. Wolf. Doctor Rivet and Supercon Sal (novella), р. 101-148
  10. Haskell Barkin. Time is Money (short story), р. 149-155
  11. Letters, p. 156-159


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