The Magazine of Fantasy ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1980»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1980

Язык издания: английский

1980 г. (апрель)

Формат: другой

Страниц: 164


Cover art by Alex Schomburg.


  1. Marta Randall. Dangerous Games (novella), р. 6-46
  2. John Clute. Books (review), р. 47-53
  3. Nicholas Yermakov. Far Removed from the Scene of the Crime (short story), р. 55-62
  4. Scott Sanders. Terrarium (short story), р. 63-78
  5. Baird Searles. Films: The Lathe of Heaven (essay), р. 79-81
  6. Stephen King. The Way Station (novelet), р. 82-109
  7. C. A. Cador. The Shadowed Waters (short story), р. 110-118
  8. David Bischoff. Outside (short story), р. 119-131
  9. Isaac Asimov. Nice Guys Finish First (essay), р. 132-141
  10. Gary Jennings. Independence Day (short story), р. 142-156


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