Nightmare Issue 64 January ...

«Nightmare, Issue 64, January 2018»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Nightmare, Issue 64, January 2018

электронное издание, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

2018 г. (январь)


  1. From the Editor
    1. John Joseph Adams. Editorial: January 2018
  2. Fiction
    1. Lori Selke. A Head in a Box, or, Implications of Consciousness after Decapitation (рассказ)
    2. Halli Villegas. The Family (рассказ)
    3. Vincent Michael Zito. The Owner’s Guide to Home Repair, Page 238: What to Do About Water Odor (рассказ)
    4. Lynda E. Rucker. Different Angels (рассказ)
  3. Nonfiction
    1. Gwendolyn Kiste. The H Word: W Is for Witch (эссе)
    2. Lisa Morton, S. P. Miskowski. Interview: S.P. Miskowski (интервью)
  4. Author Spotlights
    1. Setsu Uzumé, Lori Selke. Author Spotlight: Lori Selke (интервью)
    2. Erika Holt, Vincent Michael Zito. Author Spotlight: Vincent Michael Zito (интервью)
  5. Miscellany
    1. Coming Attractions
    2. Stay Connected
    3. Subscriptions and Ebooks
    4. About the Nightmare Team
    5. Also Edited by John Joseph Adams

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