Издательство «Bantam» [Bantam Books]Год открытия: 1945 Участвует в |
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Всего изданий:
520Внесерийные издания
2019 год
Описание: Book 2 in "A Song of Ice and Fire" series.Cover art by David G. Stevenson; interior artwork by Lauren K. Cannon.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
2015 год
Описание: The first three novels about «The Tales of Dunk and Egg» of the series «A Song of Ice and Fire».Illustrations by Gary Gianni.
Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography
1990 год
Описание: Cover art by Chris Consani.Non-fiction, a discussion of the first fifteen years of Astounding/Analog as seen by Clarke, plus every piece he has had published in the magazine that has not previously been collected (including letters).